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Wednesday 16 September 2015

Unreal 4 : Landscaping

3D Landscaping : Using Unreal

3D Landscaping is done at least for us within Unreal 4 Engine

So lets look at a demo of this

Good demo, you will agree. However how was this done.

Well this video describes this

Ok you will not have to do this, however you WILL be doing elements of this for your games you make using Unreal 4.

So now its your turn....

Write down all the elements you think you need for a TPS zombie survival game.

Imagine you are a refugee escaped from a city and headed into remote highlands. The zombies are everywhere and you want to get away from the city and the zombie hordes.

That's the game in essence.

Plan for :-

A game that has 3 areas which are interconnected. Two of the rooms are to explore and the 3rd room contains the zombies (bots).

The first area is the largest and is set in an outside environment with landscaping and grass and some water features.

The Second room is a cave (or house / hut) in the landscaped environment. This is a fairly large area the player needs to explore and maybe find stuff.

The third room is access via a door in this cave or house and  has zombies in their which will will attack the player on sight.

Plan what you think you need for this type of game.

Students will be marked for individual work, NOT for final product. So an excellent game does NOT mean a good grade.

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